Monday, June 23, 2014

When I Thought All Was Well....

I thought we were over the illnesses. No one has vomited for a few days. And then I got a call last week in the middle of the day, "Hi, your daughter is in the office and she has a head ache and a fever of 101.6. We're going to need you to come pick her up." I called my husband and he picked her up and got her home to rest and take some medicine. The next morning she was still very feverish and lethargic and he took her to the pediatrician. They must love us. We are definitely contributing to their children's college fund.

They thought she might have a recurrence of strep but it was negative and they told us it was probably a virus and manage her symptoms at home, blah, blah, blah. So she rested for a few days and her fever was gone and she was back to her normal self.... Until Saturday night. She was eating dinner and was like, "My food is spicy." It was a hot dog. She kept asking for cold water and by the next morning her throat hurt so bad she was complaining that it was painful to swallow. Still no fever and back to her normal self besides the sore throat.

So I took her back to the pediatrician this morning and they looked her over and did a finger stick and guess what she has...... MONO.
Really? My 8 year old has the kissing disease. I was teasing her - "Who did you kiss?" The doctor said she will feel like crap for 2-6 weeks. I feel horrible for her. Her whole summer might be ruined by mono. She was so discouraged. She laid in bed and watched The Suite Life of Zach and Cody all day.

We are doing better as the kids get older. When they started pre-school they started getting sick all the time. It was just a rotation of sick kids. We did sooooo good this year. The kids only missed 2 days of school for illness - how odd that the summer is here and they are petri dishes. Between the 4 of us, someone is always sick. Allergies, coughs, colds, sore throats, vomiting. It just makes it's way around the family. I don't understand. We get enough Vitamin C, we practice good hand washing. Thank God we live in modern times because if it was 200 years ago, I'm pretty sure that we'd all be dead by now.
So, I am crossing my fingers that we can have a reprieve from sickness for a little while. I need a break. The kids need a break. My 50 pound seven year old does not need an illness that affects her appetite. Please send healing thoughts to my baby!

I need to go now - my husband is asking me if I'm, "Writing embarrassing things again." haha.

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