Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Last Day

The last day of school was last Friday. It was supposed to be Monday but the governor decided on Wednesday night that Monday wasn't a good idea and so Friday it was. This game me little time to get teacher gifts that I was planning to purchase over the weekend. I asked the kids what they wanted me to get their teachers. My oldest said a mug with sharpies and she would put a note on it that said, "You are the sharpest teacher." My youngest wanted a picture of her and her teacher and a mug. I threw in some Target gift cards so they have something they can actually use. I mean, they must have a gajillion mugs from students over the years.

I was okay about this last day of school thing until I was wrapping the teacher gifts. I lost it. I framed the picture of my daughter and her teacher and I sobbed. Her first grade teacher moved up to second grade last year and brought her class with her. My daughter has had the same teacher and the same group of kids in her class for 2 years! Over 2 years, I have gotten to know her teacher very well. I just adore her. She is good to my daughter and encouraging to her and she always keeps me in the loop and tells me about the funny things she says and does. I don't know if any teacher will love my daughter the way she does. She talks about those kids as if they were her children. It was very, very hard for me. My little one wrote her a letter that said, "I will love you every day of my life." *Sniffle*

And then there is my sweet 9 year old. Her last day of elementary school. It nearly broke my heart. She has grown so much this year that I can hardly believe it. She is so smart and funny and talented. I hope she always remembers that. It will be hard when she is in the Middle School next year. Middle School in our district is 5th-8th, which people think is weird. However, when I was a kid our elementary school was K5-7th. So in the morning, you had kindergartners walking in with 13 year olds in Doc Martens, black lipstick and Nine Inch Nails tee shirts. So, I don't think it's that weird. I mean, it could be worse.

They brought home their book bags, full of crap and papers and I cleared them out. I went through everything and decided what I would save and what I would throw away. My oldest didn't have cute pictures or papers with "I love mom" written in the margins. It was all real school work. Poor kid. Her fun days are over.

My youngest one on the other hand brought home a composition book that read, "My Journal". I flipped through this journal and I was very disturbed. There was a picture of Medusa holding an axe. There was a picture labeled "mom" and in an quote bubble she has me singing, "It's the end of the world as we know it", there was a picture of a mermaid holding a sword and a shark cut in half - blood filling the water and the shark's head sinking to the bottom. There was a picture that looked like McDonald's arches:
Underneath it was labeled, "A Big Butt." Haha, I guess I could see that. I asked her to explain herself. "Well, we watched that movie with Medusa and you do like that song. The shark picture is happy because the shark was going to eat the mermaid's pet fish but she saved it." "What about the big butt?" She didn't answer me, she just giggled.

So it is summertime again. I told the kids that we are going to make a summertime bucket list. We are going horseback riding in the mountains this weekend. I want to have a picnic, make smores, and lay on the grass and star gaze. My youngest wants to go to a "resort." I told her to try again. My oldest said, "I want to light a dandelion on fire." WTH? "Why?" She shrugged, "I saw it on Pinterest." Whatever. As you can see, we have a lot to do. Yes- summer vacation is here!


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