Friday, August 29, 2014

5th Grade Drama

I picked up my daughter from school yesterday afternoon and took her to the orthodontist. We were driving and talking about homework and how her day went. "Well, someone asked me to the dance today." There is a dance in September for 5th and 6th grade. I will be chaperoning, because I am a stalker. One if my girl friends organizes the dances and she has an 8th grader and she said to me, "If they get too close, I tell them about it. They need to leave some room for Jesus in between them." LMAO. I love her.

"So, what did you say?" "I said, No. My dad would kill me if I went to a dance with a boy." She is too young for boys. "Who is this kid? How do you know him?" "Well, he is in my class and sometimes we talk about video games. I thought he was going to ask me because a few days ago he asked me if I was going to the dance with anyone." In that moment, I felt so bad for that little boy. He was thinking about it, then he confirmed that she didn't have other plans and then he got up the courage to ask her. I think that's a pretty ballsy move for a 10 year old. Then he got the rejection notice. Poor guy.

Then at recess one of his friend's came up to my daughter and said, "Hey, why did you diss my friend?" She was like, "I didn't. I'm not allowed to go to dances with boys." He told his friend that he got dissed. haha. Bros stick together.

I am fascinated by this situation. I find it extremely entertaining. He life is much more interesting that mine.

My husband really liked this story. I rolled my eyes at him. "Enjoy it now because I'm sure it's not going to last long." Uggh.

In other news, right now my 8 year old is obsessed with learning the dance moves to that Chandelier song. I have to hear this song like 8,000 times in a row. I'll come upstairs and she is doing these crazy dances and playing with the curtains. The worst part is that she wants me to watch her. Over and over again. "Mom, are you watching me? You have to watch me. I'm doing it good. Do you think I'm doing it good?" Someone save me.

We won't be practicing dancing this weekend though because we are taking the kids on a surprise trip to Florida. They have no idea. We are dropping them off at school and then going to pick them up around lunch time and just drive there. They are going to flip. Our hotel is walking distance from Sea World. We are going to spend Saturday at Sea World, Sunday at Aquatica with dinner at Downtown Disney and then sit by the pool on Monday.

I am so excited, that I can barely stand it. I can't wait to escape the 5th grade drama, Chandelier, and my laundry pile. It will be GLORIOUS!

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