Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Back to School Clothes Shopping


It's back to school time, which means back to school shopping. My daughter had a serious talk with me a few weeks ago about my love for thrift shops. "Mom, we are not going back to school shopping at Godwill." Ummmm....okay. "I am tired of wearing clothes that other people have worn. Besides, when people ask where I get my clothes and I tell them Goodwill, they think it's gross." "Aren't they asking you because they think your outfits are cute?" "Yes, but it's still embarrassing." "Just tell them you got it somewhere else." "MOM- that's lying. I can't lie." What a stinker. That's fine. Goodwill is getting a little outrageous anyway. I am not going to pay $5 for a shirt that someone else has worn before. It needs to be $2. I went to Godwill to find a lampshade a few days after that conversation and guess what? She asked me to buy a dress there. "I thought you don't want any clothes from Goodwill." She frowned. I still bought it.

We did back to school shopping almost all online. I told them that I have ultimate veto power and it has to be in my price range. My eight year old is literally the most annoying clothes shopper ever. She only want to wear clothes that are be-dazzled and busy and embellished and resemble something a stripper might wear. It's so annoying. I'd say look at this, this is cute, "Too plain." EVERYTHING is too plain. Kill me. She picked out a shirt that was lace with red plaid detailing and the word REBEL written across the front. "I like that, can I get it." There is no way in hell that I am sending my third grader to school wearing a shirt that says rebel. She has got to be out of her mind. I do have some sort of standards. I also veto clothes that are hideous. Which is a lot. I am not buying acid wash and I am not buying hot-pink cheetah print jogger pants. My oldest daughter was so annoyed when I vetoed clothes choices for ugliness. "You don't even know what is in style now. You are old and you don't even dress good."

Well, okay then. We finally wrapped the shopping up and I got some great deals. We did all Macys and Forever 21 and it was just a little more than I would spend at Goodwill. Plus I got to sit in my sweatpants the whole time - so I was a happy camper.

And then...I had to hear about the Doc Martens. My 10 year old wants a pair. BADLY. No, I am not paying $70 for a pair of Docs for a 5th grader. I'm just not. I already had this conversation with her earlier in the summer when she was trying to convince me to buy her a pair of Jack Rodgers. Don't tell me you need $100 pair of shoes when I am wearing $1.99 Old Navy flip flops. I mean, what the hell? This is what my life is going to be like the next 8 years. Someone help me. We went back and forth about the Docs. Finally she agreed to Doc Marten knock-off boots from Target. "But mom, can we get new shoelaces because those are ugly." Of course, dear, let me go outside and pick some 20's off of the money tree. Gah!

That night she was getting her things together, going through her closet and picking out the things to donate and arranging everything. "Mom, last year I was had a preppy/nerdy look but this year I am going for a more mature look." Oh really? Tell me more. "What does that mean?" "You know, more sophisticated. Like cardigan sweaters and high-waisted, knee-length skirts and infinity scarves and like, more accessories." So she is telling me that I don't dress good but she wants to dress exactly like me? Oh the irony. I need to go to the school board and ask for them to institute uniforms. But, she would still want Docs with them.

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