Friday, November 15, 2013

Dad of Girls

My poor, poor husband. He is surrounded by ladies. He's a great sport about it. He is such a good dad to girls. Which is surprising, because he didn't have sisters. Growing up, he lived in a house dominated by men.

But he is fully a dad to girls. He embraces it and does a good job. This was very apparent this week. On Monday, he came home and we sat down for dinner and we were chatting and he went of on this tangent. He pointed his finger at my 9 year old. "YOU -you need to not take your bra off in my car after school." That's her thing. As soon as you pick her up - the arms go in the sleeves and the bra comes off. She's my child. "Today, a co-worker and I decided to go out to lunch and I drove. And guess what? There was a kid bra on the floor of my passenger side and he was like 'Dude, why do you have this in here?' And then he looked at me like I was a weirdo. And I tried to explain that you take it off after school on the way home and then he looked at me like I was an even bigger weirdo. That explanation didn't help at all." We HOWLED with laughter. I could just picture the interaction in my head. I reassured him, "You would only be a weirdo if you had chocolate bars and missing puppy dog flyers to go along with it." He shook his head and then went on another tangent, "AND you guys need to stop leaving your shoes in my car. You forget about them and they bake and now my car smells horrible, like stinky feet. When I drove the guys up to Carowinds they probably thought I pooped my pants." We fell out with laughter a second time. "Honey, I think the moral of the story is to not offer to drive anyone anywhere." Yes, he has girls.

A few weeks ago he took the girls to get their haircut. It was Halloween costume crunch time so I stayed behind to finish. When the kids came home, my curly headed 7 year old had a perfectly straight bob. She always wants her hair to be straight so she was so happy. My husband said, "I was watching how they did it - it was so cool. She really likes it." "They blew it out with the hair dryer?" "Yes!" That night he went to the store to get something, but came back with a ceramic round brush. "Now you can do it for her." So I started blowing out her hair in the morning. One morning he said, "You need to show me how to do this, because I am going to need to be able to do it when you are away for work." He stood and watched me. Fast forward to yesterday morning, he brought the brush and hairdryer downstairs and I am watching him blow out her hair while I ate breakfast. It was so funny to watch - because my husband is a big, burly guy. He is not effeminate at all. He was in his slacks and button up shirt and he is leaned over our little second grader, blowing out her hair. He turned the brush with a quick flick of the wrist while moving the hairdryer back and forth. "Cover your ears, so they don't get hot." Her hands went up and he continued to finish. Afterwards, he set down the hairdryer and the brush and had her face him. He surveyed his work. Made some adjustments with the brush. "It's perfect." The both came to the table to eat and I was grinning at him. "I never knew that you had another career planned as a hair dresser." He scowled, "Shut up, it makes her happy."

He has girls and they have him wrapped around his finger. I saw this yet again this week. I came home from a work trip and as soon as I stepped through the door, my little one jumped into me. "Guess what daddy brought me, mama?" He always gets the girls something when I am away. Which would be okay if it wasn't always so damn expensive. She ran off and came back holding a pair of boots. These boots:
                             Girl's Cherokee® Fawn Boot - White
Wow - they are a little much for me. They are white- which is a terrible idea for shoes for a 7 year old. They look like they need blades on the bottom of them for the icecapades. I went to my husband and said, "What's up with the Russian hooker boots?" He smiled, "They aren't hooker boots. Look, they're cute. She fell in love with them. She gave me big eyes. I had to buy them." It's no wonder they prefer their father to me. He is such a sucker for their manipulative ways. They are daddy's girls and I don't think he would want it any other way.

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