Sunday, January 12, 2014

Toothbrush Problems

We have an issue with toothbrushes in our house. We have way too many of them. There is at least 9 in the kid's bathroom. I buy toothbrushes for the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms because sometimes when we run late, the kids can just brush downstairs and we need some upstairs for before bed. I buy new toothbrushes at least every 2-3 months, I'm try to be pretty legit with the kids oral hygiene. There are at least 6 tooth brushes in our bathroom. I only use 2 of them. One for everyday use and my travel toothbrush.

Anyway, the other day I was getting ready to go out of town and I packed my toothbrush and I threw away my other toothbrush because Santa brought new toothbrushes in our stockings. So I was going to start using that one. I am in the bathroom putting on make-up and my husband walks in and says. "Where is my toothbrush?" "What are you talking about?" "The blue and green toothbrush, where is it?" I stood and looked at him in horror. "That's MY toothbrush. That's my travel toothbrush. I packed it because it's mine. Yours is the red one." He shrugged his shoulders, "Well, it was blue and green so I thought you brought it for me." I would never had known that he used my toothbrush because I always rinse my brush before putting toothpaste on it. It's always wet. Ugggh. He picked up the red toothbrush and began brushing his teeth. I watched as he scrubbed his gums and listened to the whoosh, whoosh of the brush on his teeth. I began to dry heave, I was so grossed out. "I think I'm going to vomit." He was so mad that I was grossed out. "Why are you freaking out? We share everything. My mouth is near your mouth a lot." Okay, we we do swap germs a lot, but still. I said, "We don't share everything. Poop. We don't put each other's poop on each other because that would be disgusting. Kind of like sharing a toothbrush." He rolled his eyes at me and went back to brushing away. I walked out of the bathroom and my 9 year old was standing there giggling. "Mama, why were you talking about putting poop on Daddy?" Those little ease dropping ears are everywhere.

There is no balance at my house, because while we have an excess of toothbrushes, we are missing glasses. All glasses. Any vessel that is glass that one can drink out of, is missing in my house. Now, I purchased a variety of glassware last April. A set of 12 tall glasses and short glasses. I also purchased wine glasses. I pulled them out of the box and lined them up beautifully in my cabinet last spring. It made me happy. They have slowly begun to disappear. It's the ghost. Yesterday we had friends over for dinner and I went to pour drinks and I had just 2 glasses. TWO!!!! They weren't even matching. One was tall and one was short. I was so sad about it. I sat at dinner and drank iced tea out of a mug. True story. God, I wish I was classier. Thank God they don't drink because I literally have not 1 wine glass. They have all disappeared. I would have had to serve it in a Little Mermaid plastic cup. That would be super awkward. I am writing glasses into the next budget, because this is out of control and shameful. One day I would love to find the black hole where all of our stuff disappears into. That would be fantastic.

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