Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Our Sort-Of Resolutions

I said that we didn't make any New Years resolutions this year. This is only half way true. We didn't make resolutions but we did decide to make some changes in our house. The children are getting older and we realized that it is time for them to take more responsibility in the house and they are always asking for money and for us to buy things so we drew up a chore list and have started paying them allowance. This has worked out really well. They have one chore a day, cleaning the bathroom, folding laundry, unloading the dishwasher. I pay them $5 a week. It's so funny to see how they spend money because they are so different. My youngest, impulsive child is a saver. She must have $40 or $50 bucks. She does not want to part with her money. If she asks for something and I say, "You can buy it with your money" she will shrug and say, "never mind". Except for a One Direction calendar. She did shell out $10 for Harry Styles. She is so funny. She writes all her events on calendar and holidays. She asks when I'm going out of town and writes it in. She X's out the days as they go by.

My oldest, introspective and organized child is my spender. Oh man, that $5 burns a hole in her pocket. She cannot spend it fast enough. She spends it before she gets it. She plans it out every week. Her new thing right now are Zelfs. She came home a few weeks ago and was like, "Mom, I need Zelfs. They are $7 so when I get my allowance will you take me to Toys R Us?" Whatever. It's her money. So we went to get a Zelf and when I saw them I was confused. "What the heck, that is a troll." She put her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes. "It is NOT a troll, it is a ZELF and it is way cooler." This is a Zelf:
This is a troll:
It's pretty much the same thing. I think a lot of 90's things are coming back. Flares are coming back in style, overalls... Maybe it's just wishful thinking because I love the 90's but I think it's true. History always repeats itself, right?

Besides making the kids take more responsibility in the house this year we also decided as a family that we wanted to give more. So we decided that every month this year we would set aside $100 and do something fun to bless others and spend it as a family. I wanted it to be something the kids could participate in. Not just send a check, you know? Like buy $100 worth of groceries and let the kids pick it out and have them come to drop it off at the food bank. Give $100 to Special Olympics and go to the games and cheer on the athletes. Tip our waitress $100 at our family dinner. Buying things for bags at the VA, catering dinner for the families at the Ronald McDonald House, buying clothes and supplies for the orphan relief. There are so many worthy causes. Giving in a way that the kids can see and really connect with. They are at the age where they can really get involved and learn how to bless others. I don't think we've been doing enough of that and I think this is a really fun way to do it.  We had our first talk this month about how we wanted to spend the money for January and it was easy.

When our daughter was in the hospital the child life department was so important in making our stay bearable so we printed their desired items list and got shopping. The girls picked out toys and games and movies for the kids in the hospital. We had fun and the girls were so excited to do it. They were all abuzz about what we were going to do for February.

I am trying really hard to raise my kids to be humble and appreciative and responsible people. I think it's difficult because I sometimes feel like they live in a bubble. I want them to realize that they are blessed and that life is not easy for people. I just don't want them to be spoiled brats. I know that they will experience challenges and struggles in life (it's inevitable, we all do) and I always want them to be thankful for the good things. To remember that there are others who would gladly switch places with us. I always think that when I am about to throw a pity party for myself. Although, they might not want to switch places with me if they knew about how much laundry I have. Haha.

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