Saturday, October 11, 2014

My Husband...the Dog Whisperer


I had to work last Saturday and as I was getting ready, I asked the hubby how he planned to spend his day. He said he was going to take the kids to PetSmart to look at the animals. Which was not an unusual thing. He takes the kids to Best Buy to look at $6,000 TVs, ect. It's a thing that he does. He window shops and buys the kids Slim Jims. It's a fun way to pass the time.

So I'm working and I get a text from my 10 year old. We got a dog. What? I knew my husband was messing with me to freak me out. After all, we didn't discuss this, we are not prepared, do we really  need another mouth to feed? I called my husband. "Did you get a dog?" "Yeah, she's really cute. She's quiet and sweet. She's been at the shelter for 4 months." "Is she house trained?" "I think so." I THINK so? That's his code word for, "I don't know. I didn't even ask." I was so annoyed. So I told them to send me a picture. When they did, I fell in love. She looked so sweet and sad on her little blanket. All of my irritation melted away. To hell with planning ahead, we didn't plan ahead for our children and it all worked out okay. We make bad life decisions, but we go with it. haha

When I got home. I met my new baby. She was so cute. She came right up to me, wagging her tail. How can you deny this girl?
She is so cute and has such a good demeanor. She was in heaven because all of the neighborhood kids came over to pet her and play with her. 

That night, we fed her and then took her for a walk. We were a few houses down and a random pit bull, not on a leash, ran up to us. There are never loose dogs in the neighborhood but that is our luck. We were all very still and waited. The dog was still too. The pitbull came up and sniffed us and our dog. Then it decided it would try to make love to our dog. Our dog did not want to make love to it, she she barked. The pit bull got aggressive then and began to bark and snap. I was completely freaked out. I could just see it now, Our dog got killed on her first day with us by a lesbian pit bull. That seems like something that would happen to me. 

My husband picked up the dog and we all walked REALLY slowly back to the house. The pit bull followed us. We made it and ran in and shut the door. Then my husband went to leave again. "What are you doing?" "I am going to get that pit bull." Ummmm - okay, you have no defenses so good luck with that. I waited inside for what seemed like forever. I was worried. I went outside to check and my husband had the pit on a leash and was walking her back to her house. Apparently, our neighbors knew who she belonged to. He came back to the house and I said, "How did you get her to come to you and not be aggressive again?" He shrugged. "She was running away and growling at me, so I looked her straight in the eyes and said. STOP. COME NOW. Then she did. You have to establish dominance." What? He is like a Mongolian warrior, wrastling pit bulls with his bare hands. I've been calling him the Dog Whisperer. He has talents that I never knew about.

We just love this dog. She is getting sprinkled with attention. She sleeps at the foot of the bed - although she will try to worm her way to the top if you're not careful. Just like the children. She has a wonderful temperament. We took her to the vet and he was just gushing about what a good dog she is.

But, like the children. She is spoiled rotten. She comes with us as much as possible. She comes with me to pick up the kids. She went with my husband the other day to go get Chik Fil A. He purchased food specifically for her. Kids grilled nuggets. I was like, "What? You purchased Chik Fil A for the DOG? She's a dog." He was like, "Well, she was in the car and I was getting food for everyone, so I felt bad." Ummm....She's a DOG.

 This dog is going to live better than most humans. She reminds me more of a cat though. She eats, gets walked twice a day and then just lays around and naps. We try to play with her. We'll throw the ball and she'll run and bring it back once and then we'll throw it again and she'll just stand there and look at us like, You're stupid, I just gave you that ball. If you think I'm going to get it again, you are sadly mistaken. What do you think I am? A Kenyan runner? That is the exact works that she thinks in her doggy head.

A dog was a perfect fit. We wanted a bigger family but we can leave her home alone and don't have to put her through college. Plus it's funny to see our kids pick up her poop. We LOVE her. 

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