Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My Baby isn't a Baby

My baby is going to be 8 tomorrow. I can't believe it. I drove my husband to work this morning and we reminisced about it. "Just think, 8 years ago today I was ready to pop. Do you remember that day? C was horrible that day?" My husband laughed, "That's because she knew that her arch rival was about to be born." The day before my little one was born, my oldest daughter was the devil. She was just 11 days shy of her second birthday and was just being terrible the whole day. That evening, my husband took my sister to the movies and I told him I would hold down the fort.

We lived in Oklahoma at the time, and my parents would send my youngest sister out to help around the house before my kids were born. They are geniuses. She witnessed 2 births before she turned 15. That was the best birth control ever. Sure enough, she is approaching her mid 20's without any kids. Which is more than can be said for myself and other sisters. She was 14 when my youngest was born, so still a kid herself so we tried to do some fun things with her. Lord knows she must have been bored out of her mind. I bid them farewell and I decided that I would take my cranky toddler on a walk around the block.

 It was finally evening and was a bit cooler. She loved walks and I thought it would be perfect to get her chilled out before bed. I loaded her in stroller and off we went. I was a few days past my due date and I figured I would try to walk the baby out. I was huge. I waddled down the road, with her head lodged deep in my pelvis. Each step took effort. Halfway through the walk, my daughter started screaming. Like she had her legs cut off. She wanted out of the stroller. I thought that I would just left her walk. I let her out and then discovered that she didn't want to walk. She wanted ME to carry her. It was an impossible request. She tried to climb up my legs and head butted me in my massive belly. Finally, she just laid on the ground, on someone's lawn and kicked and screamed and threw an epic temper tantrum. I was just standing there because I surely couldn't pick her up and wrangle her. I could barely bend over. I don't remember how I got her home, but I remember that I was at the end of my rope. She didn't want to take a bath, she screamed and kicked  for another hour of so before finally going to sleep. It was bad. I was traumatized and exhausted. I was glad that my body wasn't giving me any indication that it was time for the baby to come because I needed to re-charge, relax and recover from that day. Little did I know that just a few hours later I would go into labor and just two and a half hours after that she would be here. Thank God it was a quick labor, because I Lord knows I didn't have the stamina for an all nighter.

I loved her instantly. She has made us so happy. She is so smart and so funny. We would certainly be bored without her around. She is the tiniest little thing, she weighs just 50 pounds. She has a tiny little fairy voice and golden curly hair. I love her button nose and her smile and laugh. She might be tiny but her personality is larger than life. If she is in the room, you're going to know it. She is mischievous and charming and she truly might be the funniest person I've ever met. You can always count on her to say the most random, funniest things.

For instance, just this weekend we were all sitting around in the bedroom. I had my nose buried in a book, my oldest was listening to music on head phones, my husband was on the computer and my little one was playing Mine Craft. We were all just sitting there quietly. Then my youngest, without even looking up, said, "Did you know that in other countries people eat seal penises?" She didn't follow that statement with anything. Not a laugh or a smile. We laughed and laughed. I expect to hear things like that from her. Believe me, it is never a dull moment.

She is a scrappy kid. I don't worry about her. She wants to do everything herself. She will never let anyone walk all over her. We often talk of her future husband. He better be able to take a little abuse because she will wear the pants in whatever relationship she finds herself in. haha. She will tell you how it is and she reads people very well. She is 40 year old woman in a little girl's body. I just love her so much.

She still LOVES to snuggle with me. She will always hold me hand and climb into my lap. You know she loves to sleep with me still. She likes to take my face in her hands and press her forehead against mine and looks me in the eyes and say, "Mom, I love you." She is so adorable. I could just inhale her being.

Tomorrow we will go to China Buffet, that's her favorite restaurant. She likes shrimp tempura sushi rolls. Her cake is a cheese cake. She refused regular cake. It HAD to be a cheesecake. She eats like a 40 year old too. It's very expensive. For her birthday she asked for this:
She wants to learn how to flight good. Whatever that means. So that is what she is getting. She's random.

I am grateful to have her. She makes our lives complete. Happy 8th Birthday to my baby!

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