Sunday, September 7, 2014

Breakfast in Bed

I came home on Friday evening and was so happy to hang with my family. We did our usual Friday night movie. We actually picked a show. Once Upon a Time. I loved, I am now addicted. We were all watching the show, except for my 10 year old who was sitting alone in the corner with her head phones on watching a show on her phone. I poked her, "Hey, what are you watching?" She looked up, "Once Upon a Time." "But that's what we're watching. Why don't you take you headphones off and just watch it with us?" She looked at me and was like:
So I called her a poopy head. She couldn't hear me because she had her headphones on. Tehe.

We watched Once Upon a Time until our eyes drooped. Then we headed to bed. We were on our way upstairs and my 8 year old said. "Mom, I need to wake up before everyone else because I am going to make you breakfast in bed." Okay, whatever. "Make sure you set the alarm." She did. At 6 am I was awoken to BEEP.BEEP.BEEP. On a Saturday. Welcome to my world.

My 8 year old came in and patted me on the shoulder. "Mama, can you turn on the light in the kitchen for me? It's dark." I dragged myself downstairs and turned on the light. "Just don't use the stove," I muttered and then I climbed back upstairs. I laid back in bed and tried to go back to sleep but I could hear clashing and clanging downstairs. I was a little afraid of what was going on down there but not enough to crawl back out of bed and find out. A few minutes later my daughter emerged with a plate in her hand. "Mama, mama - wake up. I made you breakfast." I sat up and looked at the clock. It was 6:10. I nudged my husband. "Hey, we are getting treated to breakfast in bed." He rubbed his eyes and sat up. My daughter proudly set the plate on my lap. It was 3 Nilla Wafers, a stack of pretzel sticks, and some blue berries and raspberries. I hugged her. "This looks yummy." She was so cute and happy that it didn't even bother me that I was up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning, eating vanilla wafers. It's funny how kids can do that.

She was told in latchkey that she was supposed to do good deeds over the weekend, so breakfast in bed was only the start. She was refilling my drink and helping me. I hope they do that challenge every weekend. For my 10 year old too. Maybe they can challenge her to stop rolling her eyes.

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