Thursday, September 25, 2014

Gymnastics is Killing my Soul

I am in a special gymnastics hell right now. My kids have been up my butt all summer about wanting to do a sport. I don't know why they just can't play badminton in the back yard. They decided they wanted to do gymnastics. They did gymnastics for YEARS when they were younger and we have been on a  year hiatus. The gym they went to was just to far from the house and it was just inconvenient. So I signed them up for classes and we get there and the people were like, your kids are too advanced for our standard lessons so they should train with the team. I thought they were full of crap until I watched them do the vault and bars. They are really talented. So I thought, OK, they can practice with the team. Except that they meet at 4 pm on Monday and Thursday. Really? My husband and I are going to make it happen because the kids really want to do it but do they have to make the time so inconvenient for working parents? God forbid they practice on a Saturday morning or a time that is reasonable for people that have to work for a living.

Then there is the cost of it. I got an email yesterday from the office manager with an attached invoice for their team leotards and warm up suits. Holy hell, it was $343. This was me after I opened it.
Those leotards better be made of the finest French velvet and bedazzled with diamonds and gold thread. Ugggh. Someone punch me in the face now.

I cannot be a gymnastics mom. I don't have time for it and I have no desire to be. I want my kids to have fun and gymnastics is not going to take over our lives. Maybe it would if colleges were giving out full rides for gymnastics, but they're not. They don't have Olympic aspirations, and even if they were good enough we wouldn't send them to a Russian training center to practice 40 hours a week. Maybe that makes me a bad mom - I don't care. I am not the mom in the Olympic commercials. I am the mom who drinks too much coffee and just wants to sit on the couch. Bad Mom Award.

It's been great to have my little one do gymnastics because she wears herself out. I am so tired of her doing cartwheels in the house. In the past month she has done the following: nearly cartwheeled into an open oven, kicked me in the ribs as I turned a corner, and ninja kicked my sister's cellphone out of her hand. It's so annoying. I can't handle it.

In other news, my daughter is getting her braces off next month. She is so excited about it. She had an ortho appointment yesterday afternoon. He announced that our next visit would be our last and then he pointed at my 8 year old. "But you still have another one." I said, "Too bad for you, because I don't think she'll need them." Her teeth have all come in perfectly. When she was 4, the dentist remarked to me, excitedly, "Your daughter have PERFECT primate spacing." Are you calling my kid a monkey? Thank GOD we are not looking at braces for her a year from now because they are so damn expensive. I need to save all my money for gymnastics, anyway.

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